Assoc. Prof. Todorov: Prime Minister Glavchev to give BGN 1.3 million to the private pediatrics as he gave to the state pediatrics – we also need new equipment and treat the most severe cases of Bulgarian children

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Two days ago, PM Glavchev promised BGN 1.3 million of targeted state aid for the existing state paediatrics in Sofia

Mr Prime Minister, it is commendable that the government has decided to allocate funds for the children of Bulgaria. But state financial aid should be distributed equally among all medical institutions – whether they are state, private or municipal – it is enough that you have identified the acute needs for improvement. And that is why you should visit all paediatric clinics as you go – in Sofia and across the country – because you are the Prime Minister of the whole of Bulgaria and because all of us across the country are treating Bulgarian children. We in Pleven, it is well known, accept the worst cases!

In all Bulgarian paediatrics we need constant modernization of equipment, new investments in continuing education of our specialists, including specializations and gaining experience in the best clinics abroad. Because we all treat the children of Bulgaria and our goal is common – the constant improvement of the quality of treatment and health care for all our Bulgarian children.

Mr Prime Minister, the inequality in your actions makes your otherwise solemn words “the priority of priorities is the health of Bulgarian children” lighten when you visit one hospital and only give it targeted state financial aid! This course of leadership of the state and health care is one-sided, divisive and empty.

I fought my way, through recommendations from Germany and France, to work in one of the most modern hospitals in the Balkans, where we treat the most severe cases from Sofia, North and South Bulgaria, including individual patients from all Balkan countries, but even in my department we need to upgrade the existing high-tech equipment to deal even more successfully with orthopedic and traumatic diseases in small patients. You can probably imagine that if we left these malformations and abnormalities after puberty, we would not have fully fledged young people, neither soldiers nor accountants.

When will you visit us in Pleven – we made a public invitation to you already on May 4 – we will be glad to acquaint you on the spot with our plans for development and the need for new investments in order to make the most rational use of the state aid which is due to us on an equal footing. Because – you have said – you understand that the health of Bulgaria’s children is of the utmost political, social and economic importance for the nation, so that we have healthy citizens tomorrow – teachers, doctors, police officers, administration and civil servants in all sectors.

Mr. Prime Minister, it seems that this most important topic – “priority of priorities” – will haunt you for the rest of your term, and its resolution will determine how you yourself will remain in history as Prime Minister of the Motherland.

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