Prof. Plamen Bojinov: Glavchev should invite us to a meeting and stop only listening to incompetent pseudo-experts, to trample the law and discredit the state regulators

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Why, Mr Prime Minister, are you humiliating SANS and the prosecutor’s office and occupying them with tasks that are not theirs? This is how you discredit the state regulators, the Ministry of Health, the National Health Insurance Fund, the Ministry of Health and all the ministries, departments and agencies that have perfectly coordinated the regular Decision 318 of the Council of Ministers of 30 April. On top of that, you yourself have repeatedly admitted that it is legal, and now the SANS and the prosecutor’s office are looking for some crime in the regulators who have worked for 2 years to come to a reasoned proposal and the Council of Ministers to legally adopt the correct Decision 318.

For what reasons, Mr. Prime Minister, do you listen to various foundations and a public council to build a national children’s hospital by the state, which has built nothing, does not know how to build anything, and its “pundits” constantly refer to generally accepted “data and analysis” of a non-existent need for a new modern hospital in Sofia, which no one anywhere has acknowledged and accepted. Well, they are simply participating in the blockade of the right of choice of the metropolitans and the suppression of competition in quality that we, the law, Europe and the democratic world offer. At the same time, they are waiting for a funding bank to determine their bed requirements and paediatric care needs in the country – and the data is in the government statistics and information databases of the competent government bodies, regulators and legitimate professional organisations. All these pseudo-experts, without being physicians, pretend to be “experts”, pursue escapist and predatory interests and “sell” you shiny empty packages, while my colleague, Assoc. Prof. Svilen Todorov we treat and consult extremely severe cases and abnormalities – and that is why we are very indignant about this ongoing buffoonery!

You have not yet responded to the invitation to visit the state-of-the-art and newly-built ‘Mama and I’ maternal and child health clinic in Pleven, sent to you on May 4, 2024, and therefore we EXPECT you to receive us in the MC together with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Finance, as you receive the state paediatricians.

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