Where is the most precise radiosurgery performed?

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The Comprehensive Cancer Centre at ,Heart and Brain’ is the only one of its kind in the country and increasingly preferred by Bulgarian and foreign patients.

Radiosurgery is a bloodless medical method, a type of radiotherapy in which high single doses of precisely focused external ionising radiation are applied to a small volume of the body. In radiosurgery, the goal is to achieve a “surgical” result (hence the name), but without direct access, no anesthesia, no incisions or stitches, and no pain. The method blocks pathological processes and “eradicates” malignant growths in the diseased tissues. After radiosurgery, tumor cells gradually die and malignant tumors shrink or disappear, with their place partially taken by connective tissue. This bloodless alternative to standard surgical interventions treats not only oncological diseases (malignant tumours and their metastases) but also a range of non-oncological diseases – benign tumours, vascular and functional conditions such as neuralgia.

In the last 8 years (since 2015), especially after the reimbursement of the method by the NHIF, radiosurgery is becoming more widespread. Since 2021, , Heart and Brain’ has been operating a unique high-tech centre for the most precise radiotherapy and radiosurgery at a level only offered by world-leading centres in the USA and Western Europe.

The full article is available here in Bulgarian.

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