A unique, life-saving surgery was performed in the urology clinic of ,Heart and Brain’

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In the operating theatre, the team found that the cause of the massive bleeding was an advanced tumour formation in the pelvis

A multidisciplinary team from the urology and surgery clinics performed a unique life-saving operation. The case is extremely rare and probably unique in the country, the specialists said.

The patient was admitted to the urology clinic of ‘Heart and Brain’ in Burgas in hemorrhagic shock and life-threatening bleeding. Thanks to the adequate and timely intervention of the doctors from the anesthesiology and resuscitation clinic, the patient was stabilized and immediately referred for surgical treatment.

In the operating room, the team determined that the cause of the massive bleeding was an advanced tumor formation in the small pelvis that was affecting a large arterial vessel (iliac artery). Doctors were able to control the bleeding, which saved the patient’s life. The multidisciplinary team includes Dr. Tony Statelov – head of the urology clinic, urologists Dr. Angel Kirov and Dr. Alexander Dimitrov and surgeons Dr. Ventsislav Krusharsky and Dr. Zornitsa Rusinova. All the necessary care has been taken for the patient so that he could successfully go through the difficult recovery period. This extremely difficult operation, which lasted more than 8 hours overnight, was successful thanks to the highly qualified medical staff and modern equipment at ‘Heart and Brain’.

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