Analysis by Prof. Vekov: A view from Vitosha (2290 m.a.s.l.) down to Snowdon (1085 m.a.s.l.)
This week marks the 75th anniversary of the introduction of the Beveridge model (named after its author), which established a state monopoly over the UK’s healthcare system and central funding through the public purse. A rare paradox – at the heart of the world’s cradle of modern industrial and finance capitalism, a retrograde system of national centralised and state monopolised healthcare (the NHS) continues to languish. In my view, the NHS is a bigger and worse long-term mistake of generations of British politicians, and even of otherwise intelligent voters, than Brexit voted 7 years ago. The anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to acknowledge the truth about Bulgaria and look forward.
Taking away the right of private hospitals to use the public resource, forcibly collected from the whole population, is the grossest form of violation of the right to choice and basic human rights – the right to life and medical care.
See the full analysis here in Bulgarian.