Joy, satisfaction and happiness – a starting point for good cardiovascular health
Dr. Valentin Hristov is Executive Director of the Cardiology Hospital in Pleven and a specialist in invasive cardiology
Dr. Hristov, the end of the year is a time for reflection. What have you achieved?
That’s right. My review is not only for the past year. It is for the fifteen years since the hospital was launched, because I have witnessed its development first-hand. In the now distant year 2007, the Cardiology Hospital opened its doors. It is a peer of my elder daughter. She was born the day I signed my employment contract. De facto, they both grew up before my eyes.
15 years – is this a long or a short period for a hospital?
What matters is what has been achieved. Historically, the Pleven Hospital was the first hospital of the Bulgarian Cardiac Institute (BCI) family. We have come a long way in 15 years.
The full article is available here in Bulgarian