Valentin Pelinkov, MDneurosurgeon

Valentin Pelinkov, MD graduated in medicine in 1988. He received two specialties – Neurology and Neurosurgery. In the period 1992 – 1995 he specialized at the University Hospital “Alexandrovska”, University Hospital “Tsaritsa Ioanna ISUL” and Military Medical Academy.

He has been working at the Tokuda Hospital Sofia since its opening. He has completed courses in microsurgery and neurotraumatology. He has a certificate of completion of a course in minimally invasive spinal surgery under the guidance of prof. Edward Benzel, Cleveland Clinic, USA. He has completed a course in neuroendoscopy in Stuttgart, Germany. He has undergone courses on the most used systems in spinal implantology in France,Canada, USA, Germany,South Korea, Singapore,Greece etc.

He is a member of the world spinal surgery organization AO Spine.