Dr. Lidiya Stefanova: The migration of patients is already to Burgas

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People from home and abroad now choose to be treated here, says the manager of the high-tech ‘Heart and Brain’ clinic

Two positive news on the eve of the professional holiday of doctors April 7, told Darik Dr. Lidiya Stefanova, manager of the hospital ‘Heart and Brain’ Burgas and chairman of the Health Committee in the local parliament.

For the first time we are witnessing a reverse migration – not outside, but to Burgas. Patients choose to be treated here, coming from different regions of the country, and also Bulgarians living abroad. Most often they are from Romania, Turkey, Great Britain.

“These are people who have researched very well where they can get quality treatment without it costing them a huge amount,” says the cardiologist. On the other hand, more and more doctors are heading to Southeast Bulgaria’s largest city for professional development, training and permanent settlement.

She says the city’s greatest achievements can be noted in healthcare because of the quality of hospital care. “With the investments attracted in this area, projects are being implemented that have put Burgas on the health map of Bulgaria. There is a new trend – the so-called medical tourism, which until recently took Bulgarians to Turkey, but now is in the direction of Burgas and Pleven”.

The head of the region’s high-tech hospital believes that the doctor-patient relationship has been restored, and that it is closely linked to the attitude of specialists towards those they treat.

You can find the full interview here in Bulgarian.

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