‘Heart and Brain’ Medical Center opened its doors in Sofia

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The medical centre on “Krum Popov” Str. in Sofia, Lozenets, provides faster access to the best specialists in the country

“In response to a number of recommendations from colleagues and patients who have received modern treatment and medical care at the high-tech hospital complexes ‘Heart and Brain’, leading specialists will examine and consult patients in Sofia,” said the medical director of ‘Heart and Brain’ Medical Center Dr. Radka Alexandrova.

Dr. Alexandrova is a specialist in pneumology and phthisiology with a scientific degree “Doctor of Medicine” and acquired the right to work with ionizing radiation. She specialized in functional diagnostics at the leading university hospital “Henri Mondor” in Paris. She has 10 years of experience as head of the department of non-specific pulmonary diseases in a pulmonary hospital in Sofia. She is fluent in French and English and provides continuing education for GPs.

Some of the most sought-after experts in the country, with recognized experience at home and abroad, are available to Sofia patients. The center provides the opportunity for a second opinion, examination or consultation by the best surgeons, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, urologists, geneticists, pediatricians, obstetricians, pulmonologists, endocrinologists, oncologists and quick access to the only in the country special Gamma Knife and the latest treatment technologies.

Widely known throughout the country and recognized abroad, the high-tech hospital complexes ‘Heart and Brain’ have been the first choice of patients in the North and Southeast in recent years. Consistency in the introduction of new treatment methods, continuous training of the teams from different medical specialties and long-term work to build trust and respect between specialists and patients have distinguished the medical facilities of the Bulgarian Cardiac Institute (BCI) from all other hospitals in the country for 15 years.

BCI’s achievements in reducing cardiovascular mortality, improving quality and prolonging life have been repeatedly recognized abroad. In the past year 2023 alone, the quality of treatment at ‘Heart and Brain’ was confirmed by Prof. Carrel – cardiac surgery, prof. Shu – vascular surgery, prof. Rivas – thoracic surgery, prof. Roettinger – Orthopaedics and by a number of other luminaries of world medical science and practice.

The neonatologists and paediatricians who will be consulting at the Heart and Brain Centre are leading the teams at the newest maternal and child health clinic, Mommy and Me. They take on the most complex cases in the North, increasingly from the capital and all areas of the country, and are established names in their specialties. Thanks to specialised neonatal ambulances equipped with the latest generation transport cuvettes, neonatologists tackle a multitude of challenges in the first hours of life for the youngest patients.

It’s no coincidence that the names of the leading doctors of ,Heart and Brain’ appear in national rankings such as “Doctors we trust” or are nominated for personalities of the year.

Checkups are by appointment only online or by calling 02 9631298. More information can be found on the Heart and Brain Medical Center Facebook page or at www.cardiacinstitute.bg.

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