Goran Sarafiloski, MDgastroenterologist

Goran Sarafiloski, MD is the head of the Department of Gastroenterology. He graduated in medicine from Medical University – Pleven in 2007, in 2013 he acquired a specialty in Gastroenterology. Since 2015 he has been successively Assistant Professor and Senior Assistant Professor at the Medical University – Pleven, participating in the training of Bulgarian and English speaking students and postgraduate students. In 2019 she obtained a degree in “Health Management”.

In 2020 she defended her PhD thesis on “Instrumental diagnostics and endoscopic therapeutic procedures in extrahepatic cholestasis” at MU – Pleven. Author and co-author of 33 scientific reports and publications in the country and abroad. Until the beginning of 2023 he was the Head of the Department of Gastroenterological Diagnostics at the University Hospital “Dr. Georgi Strensky”, Sofia. He is also a professor at the University of Dr. Dr. Dr. G. Stransky Str.

He holds national expert level certificates in abdominal ultrasonography, gastrointestinal endoscopy and a certificate for Fibrogastroscopies and Fibrocolonoscopies of persons up to 18 years of age.

His professional interests are in the field of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography and related therapeutic interventions, echoendoscopy and endoscopic mucosal resection and submucosal dissection for premalignant lesions of the stomach and colon.

He has clinical specializations and completed professional courses in Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Turkey in the field of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. He is a member of the Bulgarian Society of Gastroenterology.

Since 2023 Dr. Sarafiloski is part of the team of the Clinic of Gastroenterology of the Heart and Brain Hospital Pleven.