Лабораторни изследвания

Biochemistry (serum/plasma and fluids)

  1. Blood glucose
  2. Urea
  3. Creatinin
  4. Uric acid
  5. Total protein
  6. Albumin
  7. Total bilirubin
  8. Direct bilirubin
  9. Cholesterol
  10. HDL – cholesterol
  11. LDL – cholesterol
  12. Triglycerides
  13. ASAT (SGOT)
  14. ALAT (SGPT)
  15. GGT
  16. Phosphatase
  17. Creatine kinase
  18. Alpha amylase


  1. Complete blood count (hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, thrombocytes, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Gran, MID, Ly)
  2. Sediment
  3. Differential count of the leukocytes
  4. Morphology of erythrocytes – microscopic

Functional tests

  1. 4-point blood glucose profile

Coagulation tests

  1. Bleeding timeClotting time
  2. International normalized ration (INR)
  3. Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
  4. Fibrinogen

Electrolytes and microelements

  1. Sodium and Potassium – complex test
  2. Total Calcium
  3. Inorganic phosphate
  4. Iron
  5. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)

Thyroid hormones

  1. TSH
  2. FT4

Inflammatory markers

  1. CRP

Urine tests

  1. 10 point urine general chemical investigation with dry tests
  2. Urine sediment

Stool tests

  1. Occult bleeding