‘Heart and Brain’ Burgas specialists performed a unique for the region urological intervention

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Patient initially underwent surgery for cervical cancer and underwent radiotherapy

The urology specialists at ‘Heart and Brain’ Burgas performed a unique and first-of-its-kind surgery for the region. The complex surgical intervention to build a new ureter from the small intestine of a patient whose left ureter had been damaged in a previous cancer surgery was successful. The fifty-six-year-old woman initially underwent surgery for cervical cancer and underwent radiation treatment. Disturbing changes prompted her to contact doctors at the high-tech hospital complex. They conducted imaging tests and found a connection between her left ureter and vagina.

“This clinical case is extremely challenging due to the fact that about half of the ureter was damaged as a result of the previous surgery and subsequent radiotherapy. In order to restore normal urine output, a new ureter had to be constructed from a thin-walled segment,” says Dr. Statelov, head of the urology department and part of the operating team.

Thanks to the excellent professional training and multidisciplinary approach that the medics of ‘Heart and Brain’ Burgas can guarantee to the patients, this complex case is another successfully solved health case in Burgas.

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