Veselin Tolinov, MDradiologist

Veselin Tolinov, MD graduated in medicine at the Medical University – Sofia in 1998. He specializes in imaging diagnostics at Alexandrovska Hospital and Medical University – Sofia. He acquired a specialty in Diagnostic Imaging in 2004. He has worked successively at the Pirdop Hospital, Panagyurishte Hospital, Tokuda Hospital, Uni Hospital and SofiaMed Medical Center. He has worked and has experience with all non-invasive imaging modalities – X-ray, X-rays, Mammography, CT and MRI. He is interested in neuroradiology, uroradiology and cardiothoracic radiology. Dr. Tolinov is a member of the Bulgarian Association of Radiology (BAR), the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR).