Assoc. Prof. Ilia Todorov, MD, PhDphysiatrist

Assoc. Prof. Ilija Todorov graduated from the Medical University Varna in 2001. In 2007 he acquired a specialty and in 2012 a PhD in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. He has successfully completed a number of specialized courses, including DGMM I, II and III (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Manuelle Medizin), national courses in neural and manual therapies, course and certificate for the right to teach advanced laser therapy from ASA, Florence, Italy, Master’s courses in “Osteopathic manipulative techniques” and “Visceral osteopathy” from DSMM (Danish Society of Manual Medicine), Master’s degree in health management, UNWE, Sofia.

In the period 2016 – 2019 Assoc. Todorov is the head of the teaching sector of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at the Medical University – Varna and the head of the Clinic of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at the University Hospital “St. Marina” – Varna. President of the Bulgarian Society of Manual Medicine (BSMM), annually participates as a delegate of Bulgaria in the annual assemblies and conferences of FIMM (Fédération Internationale de Médecine Manuelle), lecturer in more than 20 courses in Manual Medicine in Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey. Member of ESSOMM (European Scientific Society of Manual Medicine). Lecturer and teacher in Italy, South Korea and Thailand (2019) with numerous publications in medical journals.

Since 2022 he has been the head of the clinic of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Heart and Brain Center of Excellence in Burgas.