Baba Marta and her helper Martenichka surprised the children who are treated at ‘Mama and I’

 In News

Currently, more than 25 children are being treated at the clinic

Early this morning, Baba (“Grandma”) Marta and her assistant Martenichka arrived at ‘Mama and I’ and surprised the little patients of the pediatric clinic and the team on duty. They tied a martenitsa for health on each child’s hand, wishing them to be white and red, blushing and laughing.

One of the youngest patients, Preslav, four months old, happily accepted to be hugged by a smiling grandmother. Gabriela, who cried frightened at first, later came to Grandma Martha herself, pulled up her apron and said, “Now we can hug each other so I can get better faster.” Bogdan, Kaloyan and Denis, told of their exploits in kindergarten and school and said that although they were big pranksters, they wanted to get back there healthy quickly.

The eldest of all, who Grandma Marta burped for health, was 11-year-old Tsvetoslav. He shared where he broke his arm, but smiling said he was surprised to see Grandma Martha at the hospital.

Baba Marta and Martenichka tied martenitsa on the hands of the on-duty team in the clinic, wishing them to be healthy, smiling and enjoying more healed little patients.

Currently, more than 25 children are being treated at the clinic. Most are girls and boys under one year old, mainly with acute viral infections.

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