Todor Samardjiev, MDvascular surgeon

Todor Samardjiev, MD graduated in medicine at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Medical Faculty in 2014. He specialized in vascular surgery at “Ajibadem City Clinic” – Sofia and University Hospital “St. Ekatherina” He has been assistant Professor at Medical University – Sofia 2019 – 2020.

He holds a Master’s degree in Health Management from the UNWE Sofia

He is member of the Bulgarian National Society for Vascular, Endovascular Surgery and Angiology /BNDSEHA/; Bulgarian Society for Endovascular Therapy /BDET/; European Society for Vascular Surgery /ESVS/ – since 2015; International Society of Endovascular Specialists /ISEVS/.

He hqs extensive experience in performing: EVAR – Endovascular endoprosthesis for abdominal aortic aneurysms; Carotid stenting for high-grade carotid artery stenosis; Endovascular treatment for peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities.

Dr. Samardzhiev has been part of the Heart and Brain team since October 2020 and is heading the endovascular surgery team at the department. In 2023 he became Head of the Vascular Surgery Clinic.