Nikola Bildirev, MDoncolog radioterapie

Nikola Bildirev, MD graduated in medicine in 1986. He is a specialist in radiotherapy and medical oncology and works as a radiotherapist in the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery at the Heart and Brain Hospital in Pleven. From 1988 to 2011 he was Chief Administrative Assistant at the Radiotherapy Clinic at Tsaritsa Ioanna-ISUL University Hospital – Sofia, and between 2012 and 2020 he was Head of the Radiotherapy Department at Comprehensive Oncological Center – Ruse Ltd.

He is a lecturer in the specialty of radiotherapy for medical, dental and postgraduate students at the Medical University of Sofia, for students of the Medical Faculty of Sofia University „Kliment Ohridski”.

Member of the Bulgarian Society of Radiology since 1994, of BUON since 1997, of ESSTRO since 2013. He authored several scientific publications in the field of oncology and radiotherapy.

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