Martin Vasilev, MDanesthesiologist

Martin Vasilev, MD graduated in the Medical University of Pleven in 2007; in 2013 completed specialization in “Anesthesiology and Intensive care” at UMBAL “Dr. G. Stranski” Pleven; 2013 finished a course for Intensive care at the “Anesthesiology and Intensive care” European Society. Member of the French medical union; Languages – English and French.

2007-2010 worked in UMBAL “Dr. G. Stranski” Pleven; 2008 assistant in the “Anesthesiology and Intensive care” department at MU Pleven; 2011-2012 resuscitator in Cardiology hospital Pleven; 2010-2015 worked in UMBAL “Dr. G. Stranski” Pleven; 2016-2017 anesthesiologist in “Clinique de Champagne”, Troyes, France.

Part of the team of the HEART AND BRAIN Center of Clinical Excellence  since 2018.